oh hey there...

Have a Baby Who has entered the dreaded sleep 'regression' phase and Wondering Whether Your Baby Will Ever Sleep Again?

Discover ways to help your baby (and keep your sanity) during this dreaded phase.

I'm so glad you found me! Get ready for some massive support in understanding and tuning into your baby, while you navigate the even more frequent wakes during sleep 'regressions'.

Think of this as your survival guide to get through this period of massive development, with me by your side.

What if you could...

1. Re-Think Sleep Regressions

The Sleep PROgressions Survival Guide is designed to help you really start to understand what is actually going on with your baby and their development during these periods.

2. Understand How To Support Your Baby's Development (and optimize sleep)

This Sleep PROgressions Survival Guide will help you understand what is involved in your baby's development, and therefore sleep, so that you can set realistic expectations and understand where to start making changes to get better sleep for everyone.

3. Feel Empowered in Your Parenting Choices

I understand that every parent has their unique parenting values. The Sleep PROgressions Survival Guide empowers you to make informed decisions in line with your parenting philosophy. Not just for the peace of mind that you are doing your very best for them, but also so that you don’t have to feel pressured to anything that doesn’t fit with your parenting values.

Babies need sleep in order to support brain maturation and cognitive functioning, and they are more prepared to explore and understand their environment when they are getting adequate sleep.

And it goes without saying that sleep can also play a role in memory and mood.

Babies who get more sleep are usually more adaptable, more approachable, and better able to regulate their emotions, which is ultimately what we all want as mamas!

So what gives when your little one all of a sudden starts sleeping less and waking more at night?

Those sleep regressions that you hear about and are likely dreading, are oh so challenging and are often when parents reach out for sleep support because they are even more exhausted than theywere before and they are looking for ways to help!

This e-book will help you understand what sleep regressions are all about (and what to expect during each one), tune into your unique baby, and arm you with tips and tools to get your through this period of intense development (and yes, often less sleep). Think of it as more of a survival guide, with me by your side. Don't worry mama, I've got you!

If you...

  • Have a baby (0-2 years) who seems to be waking up a lot

  • Want to understand what sleep regressions are and how to get through them without sleep training.

  • Want to support your baby's development

  • Are a health, childcare or sleep professional who would like to learn more about sleep 'regressions' and how to help your clients through them.

You've come to the right place...

The Sleep PROgressions Survival Guide E-book will help you understand why your baby is waking more frequently during sleep 'regressions'. This is the first step in supporting your baby to sleep better, while maintaining a strong attachment and staying true to your parenting values......

the goods

Here's what you'll learn:

  • Sleep PROgressions versus regressions

  • Specific details and strategies for the 4 | 6 | 8-10 | 12+ month sleep 'regression' phases

  • Understand what separation anxiety is, when it occurs, and how to support it

  • Discussion on how long these progressions last (and how to survive through them)

Understanding why your baby is waking more frequently during sleep 'regressions' is the first step in supporting your baby to sleep better, while maintaining a strong attachment and staying true to your parenting values

nice to meet you

I'm Kaili, your Baby Guru.

Thanks for checking out my corner of the internet where I support mamas all over the world understand what might be going on with their baby, while helping them tune into (and listen to) their mama instincts.

I have a passion for normalizing and bringing clarity around baby sleep, development, reflux, and more. I am a wife and mom of two, and I fully understand the importance of trusting your mama instincts. I am on a mission to help you tune into your intuition and feel like the confident super mom you are.

I like to think of myself as an approachable authority on all things baby-related, as I provide down-to-earth advice that makes everyone feel like they can do this parenting thing!

get the Sleep Progressions Survival Guide Today!

Don't delay any longer

sign up to UNderstand your baby's Development, why they may be waking up so frequently (and how to help)!

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